December 4th 2013 was
My best friend/roommate Courtney (who you'll see later in the post ;D ) won tickets to Macklemore and Ryan Lewis at the Staples Center. We've been looking forward to this day for MONTHS and yesterday was the day!!
I absolutely adore going to concerts. If I could do that as a job, just attending concerts, I would. So of course, most of my day was spent getting ready for said concert. I tried, but I couldn't concentrate on anything else.
So! Here is me being girly and what lead me up to the concert.
Painted my nails |
Consulted my fashion bible |
And my closet obviously (this is only one half of it :o ) |
We've arrived at the Staples Center!!!! |
Me and Courtney in our natural state |
And we're gangsta! |
Then out came.....MACKLEMORE AND RYAN LEWIS!!!
He opened with Ten Thousand Hours, and it was brilliant! I always thought that it was a perfect opening to an album or a concert. I was correct. OOO yeah. It was followed by...THRIFT SHOP!
( I apologize now for the horrible yelling/singing you'll hear. Me and Courtney were riveted.)
You're welcome ;D Next I just want to talk about my creepy out of control love for Ryan Lewis.
I was so grateful for the tickets; they were free. However, I couldn't see my love, Ryan Lewis very well. Don't get me wrong, Mack is ah-fucking-mazing. I just have this weird obsession with Ryan.
At the end of the concert Ryan....not stage dove, but stage flipped, into the crowd and my heart stopped. I hated all them bitches.
I saw Mack and Ryan earlier this year at the AMP End of Summer Pool Party, and Mack crowd surfed and I totally grabbed his bum. I would trade that to be in the pit when Ryan stage flipped into the crowd. I want to grab his bum. I'm weird...I'm gonna stop talking, and let Mack do that. (Is it weird I keep referring to him as Mack? )
The concert was just so amazing!!! I wish I had more pictures and videos to share but I ran out of space and battery. D:
Let me know what you're favorite concert has been this year or if you've seen Macklemore and Ryan Lewis this year too!