Archive for 2013

Cirque de Sore!

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So last night, I tried something brand new in the world of activities. My best friend/roommate has been taking classes at the Cirque School LA, and she convinced me to go!

I attended the Aerial Fitness and Conditioning (the uber beginner class!) with Courtney last night, and man am I sore today!! I don't even want to think of how sore I'd be if I didn't take my Herbalife Restore last nigh, drink about a gallon of water before bed, and stretched before bed. 

It was sooo much fun though. I will definitely be going back weekly. The class that I attended had us doing a three station rotation after a fifteen minute warm up which tested my balance and core strength for sure. We did conditioning in one section, worked trapeze basics in another, and fabric basics in the last. It was difficult (seeing as I have no upper body strength what so ever), but so much fun that I didn't care. 

The school has a tag line of "for anybody with any body." You really feel safe and encouraged in the space, not only from the teachers but your fellow students as well. 

It is a great option for those like me who get bored at the gym easily. I've done dance classes, spin classes, pole classes, "surfing" land classes, and so many more. This reminded me a lot of gymnastics which I took when was a kid. I'm feeling a new addiction coming on. 

If you're in LA you should definitely check out the Cirque School!

Do you have any fun physical activities? 

*All the pictures are from Cirque School LA website

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis Day!

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December 4th 2013 was 

My best friend/roommate Courtney (who you'll see later in the post ;D ) won tickets to Macklemore and Ryan Lewis at the Staples Center. We've been looking forward to this day for MONTHS and yesterday was the day!! 

I absolutely adore going to concerts. If I could do that as a job, just attending concerts, I would. So of course, most of my day was spent getting ready for said concert. I tried, but I couldn't concentrate on anything else.

So! Here is me being girly and what lead me up to the concert. 

Painted my nails
Consulted my fashion bible

And my closet obviously (this is only one half of it   :o  )

We've arrived at the Staples Center!!!!

Me and Courtney in our natural state
And we're gangsta! 
Then out came.....MACKLEMORE AND RYAN LEWIS!!!

He opened with Ten Thousand Hours, and it was brilliant! I always thought that it was a perfect opening to an album or a concert. I was correct. OOO yeah. It was followed by...THRIFT SHOP!
( I apologize now for the horrible yelling/singing you'll hear. Me and Courtney were riveted.) 

You're welcome ;D Next I just want to talk about my creepy out of control love for Ryan Lewis.

I was so grateful for the tickets; they were free. However, I couldn't see my love, Ryan Lewis very well. Don't get me wrong, Mack is ah-fucking-mazing. I just have this weird obsession with Ryan. 

At the end of the concert Ryan....not stage dove, but stage flipped, into the crowd and my heart stopped. I hated all them bitches. 

I saw Mack and Ryan earlier this year at the AMP End of Summer Pool Party, and Mack crowd surfed and I totally grabbed his bum. I would trade that to be in the pit when Ryan stage flipped into the crowd. I want to grab his bum. I'm weird...I'm gonna stop talking, and let Mack do that. (Is it weird I keep referring to him as Mack? )



The concert was just so amazing!!! I wish I had more pictures and videos to share but I ran out of space and battery. D: 

 Let me know what you're favorite concert has been this year or if you've seen Macklemore and Ryan Lewis this year too!

Weird Obsession #1: Drink-ware

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So, I have this weird obsession with things you drink out of. My favorites are plastic cups, mugs, and wine glasses. However the ones I "collect" or freak out and must have whenever I see them are GIANT. My roommate knows that if it's an oversized drink-ware, I absolutely must have it.
All the "games" yeah? Lol. 

Funnily, I actually don't drink out of these, but they're my favorite. 

Red Solo cup, I fill you up...Let's have a Party!!!
It's actually hard plastic so I don't have to throw it away. I'm Southern, can you really expect anything else? 
I rarely use it for alcohol though, promise. 

I don't drink coffee, but I loooooove a good cup of tea. 
So why shouldn't I have ginormous mugs? 

My excuse for the need for such large cups is that I'm lazy, and I require a lot of water. I get dehydrated easily, so it would make sense I need large cups to hold all the water I need to drink. Otherwise I'm going up and down stairs every ten minutes to get a refill.

That's just me trying to make myself feel better though. I'm just weirdly obsessed with them. I'm learning to accept it. 
What are your thoughts on overly large drink ware? 

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